星期四, 1月 31, 2008

Arc is released. and is it a Blub?


這兩天幾乎網路上所有lisp programmers都在討論Arc,
這個著名lisp hacker, Paul Graham所發明的lisp dialect, 一度被認為是vaporware的語言,在前天release了.

Paul Graham對於lisp社群的貢獻是無庸致疑的,
畢竟這是他從他首次宣稱Arc is a better lisp以來已經過了6-7年之後釋出的版本,
"just another lisp dialect"似乎是不少lisp programmers的一致意見,
我自己最近時間不多, 但也小試了一下, and just didn't 'get' it.
我當然理解PG的"Syntax Do Matters",
但我也不完全同意less typing是higher level programming language唯一的路,
非常希望時間能證明, 這只是我們這些 "Blub" programmers的愚昧, 而Arc is indeed a better lisp and a better programming language.

註: Blub是PG發明的字眼. 在著名的Beating the Averages一文裡用來回答一個有趣的問題: "如果lisp這麼好,為什麼都沒人用?" 而描述出一個所謂的Blub弔詭的情境:
Blub是任一種介於比lisp低階 而比machine language高階之間的一個一般強度(power)的程式語言. (比如: python,java,ruby,perl,C/C++,haskell,ML-family,erlang,php,javascript,fortran,cobol.....anything not in lisp-family)
Blub programmer則是Blub programming language的支持/使用者,
Blub programmer的想法是, Blub語言 擁有某些特性X,
同一時間他則認為Blub語言已經擁有所有他所需要的特性, 覺得所有比Blub語言更高階的特性全是無用而浪費時間的.

註2: 我的標題意思是Paul Graham在文章裡說他自認為他的Arc語言已經好到可以讓他不想用CL或scheme才release了, 是否也是陷入了Blub弔詭裡?

btw: you need patches to run current Arc on latest mzscheme(352+) or you're on windows(sadly),
see http://arclanguage.org/item?id=319 and http://jfkbits.blogspot.com/2008/01/digging-into-arc-in-24-macros-or-less.html

星期一, 1月 07, 2008

Python: programming language of 2007!

January Headline: TIOBE declares Python as programming language of 2007!

Python has been declared as programming language of 2007. It was a close finish, but in the end Python appeared to have the largest increase in ratings in one year time (2.04%). There is no clear reason why Python made this huge jump in 2007. Last month Python surpassed Perl for the first time in history, which is an indication that Python has become the "de facto" glue language at system level. It is especially beloved by system administrators and build managers. Chances are high that Python's star will rise further in 2008, thanks to the upcoming release of Python 3.

well, the reason is so obvious to me...it's all about gravity thingy ;)