星期六, 7月 28, 2007

[funny] [link] 尤拉會怎麼作? What Would Euler Do?

知名版本控制系統Subversion的作者Karl Fogel本月在他的blog透漏了這則趣事: 他在2004年跟美國數學協會購買了Excursions in Calculus,不過等付完錢拿到書之後, 過一陣子才拿到了帳單. 但是他其實早已付了錢, 美國數學協會寄給他的是一個0元的帳單,可能是作為存根之用. 不過他做了一件非常耍寶的事.

他開了一張e + 1元的支票給美國數學協會.

想當然爾, 被退了回來.

Karl Fogel對這件事的評論則是:
Oh, how I wanted them to deposit it! But they didn't even try; they sent the check back uncashed. Maybe the MAA is using one of those accounts-receivable clearinghouse services, and it isn't really their fault. But if you can't write a check for e + 1 to the Mathematical Association of America, whom can you write one to?

我只能說..... 醒醒吧...阿宅... XD

原文在此: http://www.rants.org/2007/07/14/what-would-euler-do/
