星期一, 2月 19, 2007

[link] Satchmo -- 基於Django的電子商務商店架站軟體


答案似乎是有的, Chris Moffitt用BSD版權釋出了基於Django開發的電子商務開店軟體: satchmo

對於這類軟體, 大家總是有疑問, 它穩定嗎, 馬上能用嗎?
好處是satchmo以BSD版權釋出, 如果你有這類的需求, 多看看別人的程式碼也無妨.


原作者在Mailing list上也有回答:
1. I think Satchmo is ready with the caveat that it needs to be the
right kind of site. I do not believe any Satchmo sites are live in the
wild. I will say that the "Demo Store" is the current code and does get
a fair amount of activity (i.e. probably more then my real-life store ;)
and so far nothing has gone up in smoke. The features that Satchmo have
work and for me, they are > 90% of the features I need. My wife's store
would have < 50 items, some discounts, authorize.net integration and
possibly some other custom CMS type features. I am confident I could
put Satchmo in and it would work well for me. The only reason I haven't
is that my current site works and I haven't spent the time doing the
HTML/CSS re-design I'd like to do. In some ways, Satchmo already does
more for me than the stock OsCommerce site I'm running now. Of course,
Satchmo does not have the rich amount of modules available like OsCommerce.

I will say that OsCommerce becomes a real nightmare once you start doing
anything more than the stock store. It just feels crufty (partially
because I'm no PHP expert) and I just fear making changes to the store.
I never know how things will break.

I also think Satchmo is stable because it's based on Django. A lot of
the scary stuff around security and having different db support is
handled by the robust Django framework. There's also lots of experience
with how to scale Django that should apply directly to Satchmo.

(有金主找不到的話, 就到Unofficial Python PlanetKalug灑大錢加上三顧茅廬大概就會有高手跑出來了 XD)
